LED Christmas Lights – Sizes
Christmas light installation season in Vancouver is around the corner and it can be confusing knowing which bulbs to use on what areas of your home. Many sizes and shapes of holiday lights are available to consumers today. They vary from 5mm wide angle strings, C6, C7, C9, globe shaped, falling snow LED tubes, all the way to bulbs shaped like icicles and various other designs. We know it can be confusing trying to make your way through all these options, that’s why Light Knights have dedicated designers and seasoned installers to help make your holidays beautifully lit and hassle free! Below, we will go into detail the different bulb sizes and their best uses.
5mm A light that is perfect for wrapping branches and trucks. They have a crisp sharp look to them. Additionally, these lights are good for deciduous trees as the lights are able to shine through the bare trees.
M5 The M5 lights are a diverse light that can be used for trunk and branch wraps, deciduous trees and small evergreens. These lights also work great on wreaths and garlands.
C6 The C6 lights are a bright light that is good for small evergreens and large deciduous trees. Additionally, double wrapping these lights can provide a great effect to one’s homes roof lines.
C7 Generally used for homes roof lines the C7 lights provide a a bright larger bulb with 3 LEDs inside. Applications include commercial buildings and large evergreens.
C9 The C9 light is a great light for home and commercial building roof lines. These lights are able to be installed in perfectly straight lines giving a crisp clean look. From time to time these lights will be used for large trees of the 30’+ variety.
Globe Shaped G12 globe shaped lights are a great light for party’s and weddings. Their round globe shape provides a perfect balance of light creating a nice ambience for any gathering. These lights can also be used for trees and bushes.
Falling Snow A great light for commercial applications in parking lots and over walkways. These lights are also a great addition to a tree lit up with 5mm lights.
Intrigued by the various options? Call us to book a consultation where we will go over your home or business and provide you with a recommended display. Additionally, for more info check out our Blogs.