Christmas Light Installation – Customization

Light Knights knows that every Christmas Light installation is different, and we’re prepared for that. We offer customized lengths of lights and extension cords to fit your home perfectly with no bulky leftovers.

How do we do this?  We bring in spools of light strand that hold 1000’.  Prior to arriving at your home the crew is given a detailed work order map with the approximate amount of lights required for the job.  Once on site, the crew will start putting the strands together (screwing each light bulb into a socket) and when a gutter line or peak has finished they simply cut the end and if needed put an attachment on the end so that an extension cord can be plugged in and another strand connected.

Each crew also carries spools of extension cords so that when needed the extension cords are a perfect match to the distance required.  No more messy bundles of extension cords left hanging or lying in the garden!

Our last piece of customization offered is the colour of our extension cords, C9 socket strands and our 5mm & C6 strands.

For extension cords we carry the colours White, Green, and Black.

For C9 Christmas light strands we carry White, Green, and Black.  With these colours we can match most client gutters and fascia to hide unsightly cords during the day.

For 5mm and C6 strands we carry White, Green, and Brown.  Why brown?  People love wrapping lights around trunks and brown strands are a perfect complement to this.

Do you have your own design ideas that you would like us to implement into your home’s installation? We love sitting down with our clients to work together and achieve that creative desired outcome. Picture your family’s name written with Christmas lights on your hedge! Whether it be random or specific light patterns, the Light Knights team can deliver results.  Need a little inspiration?  Click here for our Christmas Light photo gallery.